This information is valid for In-Class Facilitators, Campus Admin, and District Admin.
These steps will allow you to download your students' login credentials for their PLI Canvas Login.
*Reminder- The PLI Canvas website is as follows:
1- Login to PLI Connect
2- Click Classes on your left-hand menu bar
3- Select the class you wish to display student login credentials for (username/password)
This will open the list of students and their login credentials
4- This view shows Student Name - Username/Email - Student ID - Password
5-Click BULK EXPORT to initiate the download of this page's information to your browser's download folder on your device.
*We recommend renaming the file from the generic "Class Students" to something that labels the Subject, Grade level, Teacher name, Start/Stop time, and Class period.
For Example: Math 7 Johnson 9-945am Per 3
6- From here, you can email the list to necessary recipients on your campus and/or print copies for classroom use.
For in class distribution, we recommend one of two methods:
A) Print several of these Login Credential Card Sheets and fill out each one by one to distribute to each student using the downloaded login credential roster from the above information
B) Print your downloaded login credential roster to paper, then highlight both the Login/Email column and the Password column in two different colors.
Next, use a pair of scissors to cut information in strips for easy distribution to your students in class.
Reminder- To login to Canvas, your students will need the following link: