I submitted a solutions ticket now what?
- Once you have submitted a solutions ticket you will wait for a Solution Specialist team member to reach out to you.
- You will need to check your email once you have submitted a solutions ticket because that is how a Solution Specialist team member will contact you. Please keep in mind you may not hear back instantly, it may take a little time for the Solutions Team to do some investigative work.
- Please do not submit a new solutions ticket unless you have another question that does not relate to your previous ticket.
How will I know when my question is answered?
- Once a Solution Specialist has replied to your solutions ticket, you will get an email. You will reply to this email to further the conversation to get the help you need.
- This email will either let you know if the Solutions Team needs more information, if your question is answered, or if the issue you're experiencing has been solved.
Helpful tips when submitting a solutions ticket
- When submitting a solutions ticket it is extremely helpful to send in screenshots or a screen recording of the issue you are having. This helps the Solution team member better understand what might be going on.
- If you have more information after you have submitted your ticket please do not submit a new solutions ticket. You can reply to your email thread for the current solutions ticket so that all the information remains in one place.
My solutions ticket was solved... HOORAY... Now what?
- Thanks for your recent solutions ticket submission. We want to provide the best experience possible! To help us, please take a moment to leave your feedback about the service our agent provided to you. In addition to rating good or bad, please consider leaving a few comments about the professionalism, efficiency, and kindness our agent demonstrated.
- We understand that not all technical issues will have a desirable outcome so we ask that your feedback be based on the service and effort provided. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help us continue to grow to deliver the best experience we can.