Exporting Grades From Canvas
Frequently, campus facilitators and other officials will need to "pull" grades from Canvas for the students they are responsible for monitoring and tracking throughout the year. Whether it's Progress Reports, Report Cards, or any other occasion, grades can be exported from Canvas to .CSV file format in just a few short steps.
Click Here for Narrated Iorad Instructions
Read below for step-by-step procedures with screenshots
1- From your Canvas course, click on Grades in the Course Navigation
2- Click Apply Filters
3- Click Grading Periods
4- Click on the Grading Period you would like to export grades for
5- You will be able to see the filter at the top of the Gradebook
NOTE- For End of School Year Grade Exports, you must select the filter for All Grading Periods.
This step is key to identifying the most accurate reflection of the grades for the full school year.
This will also allow the exported document (in .xls, .xl, or .csv) to display the correct values for
each of the grade weighted categories, end of year, and possibly final exam.
6- In the top right, click on the gray Export Button
7- Click Export Current Gradebook View (this will capture all the grades displayed in your select Filter)
This file will take a few seconds to generate and will give you a confirmation message that it is processing.
8- The file will begin processing and will automatically download onto your computers as a .CSV file. Locate the file and then open it.
The downloaded file will be deposited into your browser's Download Folder. If you are not familiar with where to retrieve this file, please see the following links for directions depending on what browser or device you are using.
9- To begin reading the export, we suggest wrapping the text in the first row. Click Wrap Text.
10- Then adjust the size of the cells in the first row so that you can read the wrapped text.
11- OPTIONAL- The SIS User ID, SIS Login ID, Section, and Notes column are typically not needed. Feel free to delete these columns from your document.
12- There will be various columns with individual assignments listed. Scroll past these assignments until you reach the column with the Current Score for that grading Period:
Example: Current Score (Q1 8/8-1011)
This "Current Score" also applies to each grade weight category display and a Final Exam score if there is one.
13- The current score represents the grades that you will report as it reflects scores for all graded and posted assignments. This is generally considered the "official" grade average for that grading period.
14- Unposted scores and unposted grades include assignments that students may have completed but were not assigned by the teacher. These grades are not intended to be submitted as a student’s official grade.
15- Final score and final grade calculate any blank in the Gradebook as a zero, despite any teacher-student communication or school policy.
These particular grades are not considered “official” and should not be submitted as a student’s official grade
Click here for How to Export and Download Attendance Reports in PLI Canvas
Click here for How School Facilitators, School Admin, and District Admin Navigate PLI Canvas